Vancouver – jogger’s paradise…as cities go…
Yes, from the Hotel Vancouver where I am staying, a couple blocks off Georgia Street straight for the harbour, and you get on what they call “the Seawall” along the shoreline, which leads to Stanley Park, a 1000 acres of fantastic green space at the tip of Vancouver, totally surrounded by water (leading to North-Vancouver via the Lion’s Gate bridge). You can do the tour of the peninsula – I’d say 9 to 10 Km – go around the Lost Lagoon and get back on the Seawall (I did my usual 5 or 6 k only). A whole lot more paths inside the Park (see http://vancouver.ca/parks/parks/stanley/pdf/stanleypark_overviewmap.pdf) Crisp morning, a bit of sun, lots of joggers of all ages, at all paces; great view of the city waterfront from the east tip of the park. Would love to do it again; and to do it full justice…
Board dinner at Bridges http://www.bridgesrestaurant.com/; a more intimate one at The Italian Kitchen the day after http://www.theitaliankitchen.ca/.
June 20, 2008
Board dinner at Bridges http://www.bridgesrestaurant.com/; a more intimate one at The Italian Kitchen the day after http://www.theitaliankitchen.ca/.
June 20, 2008